This module teaches guides me towards understanding the user needs and the site settings itself. Interpreting what is meant to be portrayed. Overall this P3KU kebun is all starts from the site settings. Analyzing the demographic, site analysis and its response. The more I learnt from this module, the more I thought how advanced the module can be. Beginning with the first assignment, which is Project 1A is about analyzing the site and understanding the environment to create the master plan for the following assignments. Project 1B is designing smaller structure which is an allotment. This gives us a rough idea before proceeding to Project 2. This was more on designing for group of people doing cultivation, gardening, or other specific uses. Furthermore in Project 2, this focuses more on designing a community center dedicated for the P3KU kebun communities. This final assignment was based on the design narrative with each architectural spaces having specific functions and reasonings.
Project 1 A
In assignment 1 is basically to create master plan at P3KU located in Subang Jaya, SS18. It is a group assignment but smaller groups were break for specific tasks. Multiple brainstorming were attempted to give the best masterplan at the site. There were group discussions happening before finalizing the outcome. Creating a board showing the characteristics of the site allowing with the masterplan were the objectives of this assignment. Physical models were also developed and produced following an agreement of master plan. After gathering information all categories were compiled on board before presenting.
Project 1B
For this assignment it focuses on making allotment which is a continuation from Project 1A. This assignment was a group assignment with everyone having their roles to contribute. Designing allotment took time because we shared our ideas in agreeing upon each other or not. Hesitation in design were happened because it was the beginning stage of designing. Beginning of the process was more on looking on precedent studies to find ideas and further we develop the allotment design. Later we agreed on particular design we proceed with making the board. One person was in charge of making the 3d modeling and the rest of us three did the rest.
Project 2
In the final assignment which is Project 2, the objective was to design a community center for P3KU Kebun. Understanding the site and the demographic would be part of project integration. As usual, design narrative was to be produced before proceeding to designing. The masterplan that was done in assignment 1 would be integrated into second assignment because the structure would be placed into the masterplan. This second project was more focused into understanding the environment and surrounding atmosphere along with its needs before designing the spaces. This particular project is more on clustered organization. With clustered spaces, spaces are separated with its functions. Beginning of the design, design narrative would be produced for the building. Finding precedent studies is the following process to assist me into finding idea in designing the building. Study models and sketches were also done to show what I thought in approaching the site. As part of the design integration, I wanted to create spaces that have inter connection between the site settings and also the building itself. I decided have this thoughts because the P3KU Kebun is surrounded in urban area rather than isolated rural settings. Few attempts and hesitation were done in designing.